Character Map Report

$ 19.99

9527 in stock

Name *

Month *

Day *

Year *

Gender *

Hemisphere at Birth

The Bagua Astrology Report is an 18 page report detailing your MIND (mental), SPIRIT (spiritual/soul), and BODY (physical) make-up.  All you need is your name, date of birth, gender of birth, and hemisphere of birth (north or south).


Product Description


The Character Map Report is an 18-page report detailing your MIND (mental), SPIRIT (spiritual/soul), and BODY (physical) make-up.  All you need is your name, date of birth, gender of birth, and hemisphere of birth (north or south).  The report is very thorough and offers details on:

  • How you tend to view the world.
  • Your leadership strength and style
  • Your mental toughness and ability to commit
  • Your relationship with love and sex
  • How you’ll approach and view relationships
  • Where you apply your courage
  • In what ways do you express your power and where
  • The strength of your creativity
  • Are you goal-oriented or purpose-driven
  • How your nine primary emotions tend to show themselves
  • Dominant physical strengths and health issues
  • Which seasons, years, and phases of the lunar cycle are best for you
  • Which seasons, years, and phases of the lunar cycle are worst for you
  • Which colors are best and worst for you
  • Which archetypes you’ll tend to get along with in relationships and business and which ones you won’t
  • The most auspicious years and the worst years


The report is downloadable as a PDF.



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